Customer Testimonials

"We have had several different electricians work at our home over the years.  Now that we have found Garrett Electric Inc. we can finally stop searching because we've found the right electrician for us!  Garrett and his team are always reliable, professional, and they fix any problem in our home, pool, and outdoors.  It is a pleasure to work with them!" - Gail Mendham, NJ


"My kitchen is absolutely exquisite due to Garrett Electric's expertise.  The lighting accents my backsplash and cabinetry beautifully and the center light that Garrett suggested is my favorite fixture in my home!  I am looking forward to working with Garrett Electric on our next renovation project." - Laura Long Valley, NJ


"Garrett walked me through all phases of installing our new pool.  He was thorough, patient, and clear.  He gave us all of our options and explained how everything will work and found the best layout to meet our needs.  I think it is rare that an electrician takes so much time to make sure that the homeowner is happy.  We are absolutely thrilled with the results!" - Frank Saddle River, NJ


5 star rating on google!